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From Harah to Arda

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лучший сюжет по мнению читателей
03/03/2014 - 09/03/2014

игра пойдёт исключительно на английском языке
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Alenary Rey'Vallion


Beautiful next world!
The mysterious wanderer between the worlds and the woman who running from Empire after revolt. As in old-old story, Destiny have decided what their ways will be crossed. Can you imagine something more destructive, if one of them is Dark Lord and one of is Variola?

Отредактировано Sauron (2014-03-08 21:08:56)



It was defeat. The most devastating defeat that i have ever seen. The Wolker's Tower was screaming from a huge amount of spells and burning in magic fire. And Alsgara was burning with it.
Where was the famous Gods Justice when my friends have been attacked by Mothers force? Where were Gods when we died under enemies spells and swords? I don't know and don't want to, as well.
I know only one thing; today my world has been broken by same selfish ladies who think that have rights to decide for other how to life. Today my friends died thanks them. And i will revenge for them. Not now of course, but faster than The Walkers can imagine.
Abuss! Why our fate should be so pathetic?
Enough. It's time for deals, not for words. These high bitches will try to catch me and those few who managed to escape as i. All i can do now - run. Run violently.
What a pretty thing burning town. People running as ants and trying to stop fire. Not today poor, not today. This fire was born by magic and only magic could stop it. Actually, I can do it. But i have no reason for. Till city will burn all forces will be focused on put out a fire.  The Gates who standing between me and my freedom, - with happy salvation i hope, - will be defenseless and i can escape from this fire trap.
- Where are u going sweetie, - unknown man stop me when i was only a few steps from freedom. He took my hand and made me turn to face to him.  - Hey! Is this one of the mindless witch? My lucky haven't any frontiers! Tell me, sweetie, do u really think that can escape?
By the nine hells... Where he got?!
I tried to escape but his hand on my arm shrunk stronger. It's bad. As any man he was stronger than me. Pretty nice. My freedom stay for a few steps near me and i can't do anything with one poor Twinkle!
I reached for the dark Spark. The Gift obediently responded to the call. For a few uns was need to create a spell and the Twinkle gave them to me looking to my eyes and trying to find answer for his questions in it.
It was not a deadly spell. No. As for me there were enough blood at this night. I just made him burned in black magic fire. It's painful but not fatal. His grip relaxed so I could escape. I done only a few steps and already stood under the Gates when he screamed. I don't know why i turned back and looked at him but i done it. And i caught his spell right into face.
And then came the pain. No, that's not right. Then came the PAIN. It felt like all my face burned. I screamed and pressed hands to face. There was blood at my fingers.
I should immediately kill him!
I looked with hate at the flaming man and hit him with ice spear. He dead instantly.
Blood flooded my eyes but I stubbornly ran away from the burning capital. My pain and my face are not really necessary now. There is only one thing that can be important - my freedom.
Even i just knew who would be met on my way...

Отредактировано Allenary (2014-03-06 18:50:00)



The Barad-dûr rises as dark, darker and blacker than walking around and near to the rare torches shadows, rock among heated desert. Behind a broad window there is invariable dry Mordor`s land; his cruel peaks and iron crown tore dirty-grey sky. No doubts: Middle-Earth is more many-sided than you can show on your imagined pictures, but not South took by Sauron and remains of Melkor`s army thousands and thousand years ago. After The Blessed West nothing can install in maia`s (not only his — some who have seen Valinor is weak to forget magnificence of Land of Valar) heart the forgotten sense of beauty. However, he doesn`t love so much this gloomy place. It`s the compelled need, not his special, personal feelings.
Dark Lord has sighed.
He is boring here — there isn`t nothing interesting now. Around it is constant nothing: the war with local undiscerning elves is as far as The Mairon`s End, his plans are expecting for realization and necessary time to attack. Later, still later to Ainur`s  measures — it is impossible to hurry. He has got time — that`s why all is waiting shy and timidly.
As “the mysterious wanderer between the worlds”, he is boring doubly. The memory stores billion things from other worlds.
As Dark Lord of Arda, he couldn't leave carelessly Eä because “I`ve wanted so I said! Don`t tell me what to do!” However, if you are The Great Enemy of Middle-Earth, you`ve got lots of duties. Unfortunately! On the other hand, the calm is hanging? “You`re thinking how extremely silly child!” — becoming angry Sauron reproached himself. A indignation has overflowed instantly.
— Middle-Earth is in calm, — he said to alone emptiness. Or to very attentively listening Draugluin? — You know what I need, my friend.  You know what there are hundred galaxies where I was not but my duties don`t allow me to travel; I must be here even if Middle-Earth isn`t needing me at the moment. Ah! So contradiction, so nonsense! — he felt himself as the captive.
It`s extremely boring for The Main Evil in Eä.
Draugluin has sighed.
Suddenly he felt a terrible pain, heard heart-rending scream and discriminated bad scent of fire and death. Not his servatns, not his world — there is something… something really far and alien but Sauron haven`t understand where. An indifferent event? And try and try, he could not overcome his explorer`s desire. Something fatal has occurred one second ago! Reflecting he bit a lip, his fiery eyes sparkled hazardously — the interest captured him. “No. Never. You will regret!” — the common sense said. And what would you choose: “I should go” or  “Mark my words…”?
“Destiny have decided”, — he said to himself and disappeared away from Arda. So beautiful next world!
Green-yellow foliage rustled, shady wood shook. Silently.
On the horizon shined by moonlight grey smoke was curling one-two seconds ago but now, against a dark-blue surface, smoke is ordinary. What happened? The Walker's Tower have to be located there… Ilúvatar Eru! Is it similar… is it Harah? At first he didn`t believe himself, but no doubts: here it is, he`s right. “At least you know where you are”, — Sauron grinned. Alas, mad magic fire didn't leave a lot: otherwise maia have heard. The bitterness would cut his face, but he didn`t feel anything where was thinking about. Certain, The Tower became ashes, having burned on fire. The magic fire won't be compared with the dragon`s flame, but bears death and destructions. His soul was pricked by grief.

Отредактировано Sauron (2014-03-06 22:34:54)



I don't know how long i have run. I... just couldn't stopped. Blood on my eyes, my face, my hands have clotted long time ago. I was look like a fire victim. Well, on the one hand i was.
It was hard to breath. The air was dry and warm with the bitter taste of ashes. I turn back and look at the city what i called how a few hours early. Alsgara died in fire; The Walker's Tower already fell down and became the tomb for thousand lifes. The last respect to the fallen.
I watched as my home, my fallen friends, my past burn in fire and laughed. Bloody tears rolled down my cheeks, pain like a fire burned my face, but i couldn't stop laugh. It was not necessary that i could die a few hours early. It was doesn't matter that i would be alone for now and till the day's end.  I was free. At last. No more rules and banes. No more totally control and heightened attention.
I was free. Free about all things; never mind that some kind of them i still loved.
The last time looked on burning city i turn away from those pretty nice show and made the first step for new life. Life where i will called Variola, like a greater pestilence of humanity. Did they scared by me? I think yes. And they will be afraid of me for many centuries; And not only me.
I hope the other six could escape as i do.
I promised and  Abuss is my witness; The Empire falls to its princess! The sister of Hawk don't know how to surrender.
Sun for long time ago return to its place under horizon and night came for her rights. I've always loved night. For me it's the best time of day. It's dark and magic time, when ur's dreams came alive.
But sometimes they became nightmares.
I looked up in the skies; There wasn't any clouds, only cold stars and the pale moon on dark higher. I could always look at her pure white eye even i have a possible. With a sigh i looked away from the sky to the plain in front of me.
There wasn't any villages for a few days away. I don't know why, but people called this areas wastelands and wont to live in it. May it was blame of Alistans flutes singing theirs scary song with each gust of wind. Or it could be fault of dark creatures who liking this lands... Any way it's not important. In fact i shouldn't met anyone, except dark spawns, till next three of four days. And i love this little chance to be free.
I know The Walkers would be try to catch me and others darns. But it will be latter. And now i have a little bit of time for rest before the hunting start.
I walked a little more and stopped looking figure emerged from nowhere. Who is he? Where he came from? Is he a mage? Even so it isn't good  - i'm not ready for one more fight. This day was too long and hard to have my remaining strength.
A few steps more and i already stand near the man. He watch  the same picture that i have watch earlier  - burning town. He seems so involved that he did not notice me.
Abuss! It would be the last thing to be offended by him.
Funny. Little princess always want to be the center of attention.
- Who are u? - the question came faster then i could realized it.



A heavy loud breath, a rough gait — some minutes later the beautiful woman, who is simply little nice girl for immortal ainu, with white hair in black and red: blood on her hands and her clothes than she reminded a bloody murderer and soot on her face, seem, thought what he doesn`t see anything except the city-ashes. She has stood near.
She looks like little noble lady in Sauron`s opinion and sacrifice of fire`s rage — obviously, she has run away from The Walker`s Tower. “Right”, — the common sense said. If maia doesn`t make a mistake, The Walkers would try to catch her. He is notorious in his world only and in this world he is simply the stranger. Definitely, Dark maia can present himself as “The Necromancer from Sdis” but…
— Not silly questions` time. We should go, Darn, if you wanna live a long and rather happy life — "She will be extremely slow", — his mind said. This woman isn`t apt for a long-long walking, it`s without doubts. Not Dark Lord manages some good affairs but she will be useful sometime, especially when she will have a rest. — Go, little woman with white hair, — Sauron said and went away silently, without excess questions, from cemetery where some threat remained. She is tired but she must be persistent in aspiration to life. “Breath, girl undine, breath and run”.
Actually, Sauron can teleport them in Middle-Earth, but not now: everything has its time. Now in his plans there are learning and exploring. Sometime her mind will be clearer. Besides, his black soul wants a lot of new impressions and interesting puzzles — in Barad-Dûr he will wither instantly: a very long time ago he observed The Eternal Spring of Arda, destroyed Middle-Earth under Melkor`s and his, Sauron`s banners… “Yeah, there was a time!”
So, now he has plunged in very interesting adventure from Harah to Arda. It`s ideally. Probably, he will take away this woman with himself for some time to Middle-Earth. Why did he think so? “I want so I said. So will be”.

…a little time had gone. The last silver flower of Telperion is towering in the sky; the Tilion`s castle is floating slowly and haughty. Perfect dark time to leave far from the possible pursuit.
— And what is it?.. — he asked when a smoke have disappeared far over on horizon, precisely he has spoken with himself only: silently and thoughtfully his voice sounded. Not stopped but after a question he began go more slowly and overtook with woman. “And where are other Darns? Under whose control did it happen?” — Gorthaur the Cruel was interested in Harah`s history when was Morgoth`s servant; so, maia knows something about. — My name is Thû, if it is still important for you, — actually he simply wanted to distract the stranger from heavy thoughts — he didn`t want to speak with anybody but she couldn't understand it, — and how can I call you? — “The names are beautiful but useless here; seems, only in Middle-Earth your name is all. Simply heard, people can be frightened and lose courage”.
And around there is a deaf silence. Only owls crashed really far, because all live try to be far from him, even if Dark Lord has threw over himself an obscurity as now. She doesn`t be afraid. “Great”, — Sauron has smiled mentally. He wanted to tell something else for any instant but kept silent, giving the floor to his companion. “It`s time to speak with me. If you don't want — it isn't necessary, don't torment yourself and me”, — but something prompted what she will answer.

Отредактировано Sauron (2014-03-08 20:54:19)



He called me - "Darn" - and only for this i should killed him like anyone else who had knew me. But something kept me from such actions. May be it was coming from him strength that I felt the whole skin. Or it was suddenly manifested the gift of clairvoyance tells that I shouldn't do anything stupid. I don't know, but in fact i was surprised by myself when after his words followed him.
One thousand questions and one more. And i haven't answer for no one. I was like a down-at-heel person that i had never was yet. Not really pleasant feeling i can say. I hope i wouldn't feel it one's more time.
Abuss! Like a docile doll a followed the Stranger and hadn't say anything to him except that first question. Actually it was fells like i shouldn't tell something. My mid crashed down and i was not really dangerous even for flies, not to mention somebody bigger. But it didn't mean that i should blindly follow unknown who had happened to be on my way. And if it was so I felt that my, - may be n unconscious decision, - was one's right. I did what I had to do.

It was impression that he was talking to himself. His voice was silently and thoughtfully, his eyes was looked to heaven, and thoughts were far from the earth. I watched the incredible pictures;  It was a floating castle hovering in the sky. And i can say it with all my honor, - it was the most beautiful scene that i had ever seen.
- Thû? - I repeated after him, trying to taste the word. His name sounded alien and cold like a gust of wind. " I want to know who u are and not ur name!" - i was wanted to shout but I stifled a momentary impulse. If he didn't say it know, he wouldn't answer me on my first demand. It would be better to just wait that time when he decide to tell something about himself. - I will call u like u say, if u want it.
- U may call me Variola, - i said. Poor smile came at my lips. My past, my life, even my name all remained in the burning capital. From this moment and till the eternity i will call Variola.
- Where are we? - i could chose any question from little sea of them that i had but i was too tired for serious conversation. All of my minds was about a piece of rest.
" Just sleep. No dreams. No nightmares."  - i allowed myself a weary sigh and watched up to the strange Strangers eyes. If we want to speak with me, he should first of all let me relax for a few hours or a little bit more.



— It`s short for Thauron, — with an obvious reluctance he have explained. “Variola. I will remember your name, Darn. And what can it mean in Quenya for example? It sounds like varya what means “to protect”… I hate languages in which there is no sense. Oh, my Manwë! Can you think not about this? If I could I would name she… Lossefinniel”.
Sauron lifted up eyes, on the sky and smiled hardly considerably to what how he has affected this world: impudently and rectilinearly. He only wanted to see pictures more habitual to his look, his duty are to change and to remake. The main thing —not to be extremely overzealous and don`t turn Harah into “Mordor-Two” inadvertently or to create the phenomenon similar “Morgoth`s Ring”. “And is it pleasant for you, Variola?” — as there isn`t a more terrible beast as a man, as there isn`t a more dangerous influence what nobody can destroy sometime and  what you can`t feel or see. Sauron knows how his presence influences people — it isn`t a riddle — and that`s why ainu wasn`t surprised. He would smile but not now. “You have never seen. Certainly, Harah is incredible but she never see other. There is nothing to choose!”
— Ah, I got it. He is Tilion, if I guessed your thoughts, — a long time ago Mairon has known maia who loved a scintillating silver during all his life but now isn`t time of reminiscence, — in your world and not only in your he is known as The Moon, Variola, — nevertheless, he didn't begin to tell about falling of Two Trees of Valinor otherwise she won't understand. Then. The unusual vision has fallen down slowly and smoothly being dissolved in the sky. “Did you hear sometimes about the other worlds, Variola? Do you believe it? And the main: do you wanna see something extraordinary like that? You are somebody significant than you can think,” — this insinuating mentally voice compelled to trust him.
More than obviously that he knows more than shows — Dark Lord has beaten so purposely. “Can you trust me? Certainly, no and never. I am not lying at the moment, what is strangely enough.” Sauron wasn't going to say why he has told all of these; he left a lot of half-words. “But, I think, flight is the most important for you now? Let! Let ask your question. Seems, I know what you wanna know. Not who I am, not where am I from, not where do I know lots, it isn`t important now. What do you have to do now, I guessed? I can be your faithful companion for some time if you will tell it, however, I see what you are a clever girl without anybody.” Alas! Who must know? Dark maia only sows a distemper and dissonance — it is his work — even if he can help.
— You must have a rest. I suggest to have, — his hand has specified a veiled by a fern cave among woods, — and for the reference: you are in Harah, welcome.



- Why such honor to me? - I did try to said it without acrimony but couldn't. Recently i became too suspicious to other people. May be coz i had a participation in the conspiracy. I don't know. But in fact't  i didn't trust anyone. Even my friends, - if i can call them so, - and allies. Palace upbringing had taught me that anyone can betray. And persons who calls "friends" do it rather more than "enemies".
It was hard just to stood near him. Actually it was rather hard than raise a rebellion. He was to strong, to strange, to alien for me. I don't know where he came from and don't want to learn it. It felt like a little  scared girl who was saved by powerful unknown. I couldn't call him human. Something in me was shouting that he isn't a man.
The infinitely strong creation whose name I did not know.
By the nine hells... i wasn't really sure that i want.
- Variola means death, - i had smiled and felt how pain spreads over my face. - Merciless pestilence, which would mean the end of humanity. People called us Darns, and gave us new names. Seven we where,  - Variola, Phthisis, Measles, Typhoid, Cholera, Leprosy, Plague, - and now are one. Me. I don't know what happened to other six, but hope that they could escape like i do. I have bit doubts that they met someone like u.
I watched up. Other worlds... It looks like a pretty nice story one of those that i heard in Rainbow Dale. But in that time it was only a stories, nothing more. Yeah, they was wonderful and interesting, but not really at all. When this man, Thu, told me same thing, i felt like a child, who don't know common truths. He spoke about it as much as I could talk about ordinary things. And it scared me rather more than  the threat of being caught by Walkers.
Who are u?! Powerful. Dangerous. Alien. Why I met u on my way? For the glory of Fallen why me?!
Questions. Questions. Questions. Only a few minds in my head who cross over the circle in my head. Pls, stop it. My world shouldn't concentrate on this Stranger who rushed into my life like a hurricane.
- I know, - I snapped. I think it was looked tired and pity like myself as well. But i couldn't just tolerate such a condescending treatment. It was really silly in my position to bite the hand offers help. But i always was a pig-headed person.
- Thank u, - I tried to smile, - And sorry for my reaction. I'm very grateful to u for help, - I let him go first and then came to the cave. - One more time; Thanks. Now for showing Harah on other hand.



— You are somebody significant than you can think — that`s why I made “such honor for you”, — he has sighed. — And why cannot  fírimar believe in what they deserve? Definitely I will think about it, — it is absolutely exact what he spoke with himself only. In any case, it`s very difficult to understand what his world mean. Really, who are “fírimar”? Obviously, a nice example of  humiliating… “I must not care, but I do. Truly, not I understand Ilúvatar`s plans sometimes”, — the common sense declared ironically.
And further he has listened without interrupting and with… some all-framing interest. A little woman with long white hair has told about other Darns. Cholera, Leprosy, Measles, Phthisis, Plague, Typhoid and Variola, The Damn Seven. Maia could use magic to find six Darns, but not now. “Seven we were, and now are one”, — she said. That`s acquaintance situation! They were thousands with Melkor and now he is one of all, one and alone. “I understand you”, — Dark Lord answered mentally. Such a lonely day.
— Don't thank me, but your apologies are accepted. Just… sleep, — if you have listened Sauron`s voise at similar moments you know what at least one refusal won`t be accepted. — They have escaped, believe me, — he assured, though has some doubts about their destinies. “At least nothing awful threatens them. We can find other six, if you want”. — But now you must and you will, — Variola has heard quiet, silent and insinuating voice. To tell the truth, Dark Lord used magic, that`s why he doesn`t doubt.
“Tomorrow we will talk about some interesting things, I promise. Believe or not, I have to know, — the tired thought pricked. — Sleep, little woman, sleep. During your dream I will be curing your body and soul partly”, — the great thirst of opening moves him. How can he throw her, if she is really powerful and interesting?
Alas, sometimes the strongest need council of their masters. “And what will you do in such situation, Melkor? I can pretend lots of time, you know. Fuck, what the rauco? Whom do you ask? At myself? Think youself, Sauron. It`s extremely easily”. There are some hours for finding answer and maia will carry out them with maximum advantage.



His words and his voice effected on me no worse than lullaby. I knew that it was an effect of his magic but couldn't resisted. Or i just didn't want? Never mind. I was ready to listen and obey him. Why not? He seemed to me a heartless person but so far I have seen him only the good. Had he saved me? Yes, he had. Did he anything to threaten me? No, he didn't. So why i should be afraid of him? I had no reason to be unpleasant and cheeky to him. And i wouldn't. For now at least. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?
Tired as a warm cloud has shrouded whole body. There weren't any doubts and questions just tired and pain. Till we were discussing vital issues, my pain like an obedient dog sat quietly and not made itself felt, but when silence overtake me as the pain bit into my face burning it in flames.  I closed my eyes and bit my lip, holding back a moan. It was really bad time for weakness.
A little bit of effort and analgesic wickerwork had sparkled on my fingers. It helps but not for long coz this wickerwork will dissipate in a few hours and i can't repeat it for a few days. Well it would be enough for me to sleep.
Just sleep. No dreams. No nightmares.

I've seen a strange dream. There was nothing. No light, no people, no animals. Nothing. Just a wade bones voice. It asked me about everything. My friends, my home, my Gift, my childhood. He was interesting in all kinds of my life. And i was answering him with greater honesty than parents. Faceless it asked his last question:" What do u want, lass?"
- I want to Empire fell to my feet! - I exclaimed and woke up. I spent a few uns to realize the fact that  I didn't sleep any more.  I looked around; nothing have change from the moment when i laid to sleep.
- Thu? - i called my an unexpected rescuer and sat on the floor. My weariness has passed and I felt fine. Well, aside from the pain of burns.



“She is not my apprentice, be so, I never would do anything similar”, — Sauron was convincing himself during all the night, when he was curing her physical wounds. It was not something serious for Annatar`s present powers.

Night was proceeding surprisingly slowly, however not those thoughts occupied his consciousness. Frankly speaking, Sauron reflected about the apprentice for a long time. Probably, even about his successor, let he didn't wish to accept the inevitable – the falling, his Akallabêth. While Variola was ideally suited for this role, as well as possible: she possessed all qualities which Sauron appreciated… If, certainly, he didn't perceive the woman as a beautiful, educated doll with which it will be pleasant speaking and spending time, sowing distemper in young heart for which he was so greedy from time to time.
Suddenly the noise outside distracted only for a minute: it is good that he has guessed to erase their traces and hide both them a veil. Judging by conversations outside, the Variola`s hunting has already began — and Sauron was jealous terribly, than he surprised himself first of all. Illogically, maia often had branded mental “mine” on those whom he wished to possess unconditionally; on with whom he didn't plan to share never and for anything. A little magic — and persecutors leave them in the diametrical direction. “Mine”, — Sauron thought the same again fixedly observing for sleeping woman. His thoughts it is very far from romanticism: this everything is not for Dark Lord.

The Arien`s boat has slipped on the sky about two or three hours ago, beginning from the East and finishing at the West — and Variola woke up recently. “Really excellent dream, little woman with white hair, — Dark Lord has allowed grinning to himself… mentally, of course, when he has heard sleepy words. — The passion can`t be extra… sometimes, certainly”.
— Wanna you something before we will go further? — he asked thoughtfully. — However if you wanna subdue The Empire… — “I don`t think what I can be long time here — and I have to act quickly”. — To tell the truth, Variola, — Sauron began a long-long monologue, — you look awful now, don't take offense. Certainly, this is about your moral and physical forces. But even if I am not sure about the first, you won't argue with the second, you know, — to be honest, he can only estimate approximately limits of Variola`s moral forces. Yes, no doubts, she is gifted the Spark, she is one of Seven Darns in Harah, but nevertheless – even felt  the huge powers, the passionate commitment and the great eagerness to fight left a one little place for doubts.
Even if he wanted to promote falling of the local Empire to feet, he didn't show it.
“Do you want to be my apprentice? But don't tell anything. Don't show anything. Simply… wait, Sauron. You are able to do it; you do it better than many living”.
— What about… a small travel? The Empire, — “Oh, really? What is that for you, Sauron? Really, do you want such hard?” — can… well, can wait, let`s say so, — in practice he didn't hint at that that is ready to spare, at all so. Own assiduity annoyed even himself, let he had recognized it as a measure compelled till some time. As it was worth admitting to himself, these times could not come.
…now he must think up how to check norm of reaction.

Отредактировано Sauron (2014-03-18 23:24:36)



I was looking right in his eyes  and in my heart was blazing up haterid. Untill the day of revolt I loved fire. It was one of the most wonderful things for me. But now... I hate it. I hate it with all my soul's forces. And in his eyes, beautiful eyes what were like a liquid gold i saw that darn fire.
Actually, I perceived Thu as fire. High and strong, with red fire-hair and golden eyes. I Honored him, but in same time I hated him like a abhorrent element. I was strange. but in other hand it was right.
Well, it couldn't be otherwise.
Where will you lead me the way? Tell me, Thu, who are u? Where are u from? Where will you go? And what role in your plans I have? Tell it to me. I will follow you anyway because I haven't any other way except yours!
I closed my eyes and tried to simmer down my heart what was chatter like a bird in the cage. It wasn't right time to haterid. I should be strong and calm to made a right decision.
So why I can't stop be rage?!
Poor little girl. Why are u so scared? Why are so pathetic? You had never been a person who have same problems. When u let feelings be stronger that u are? Calm down, little woman with white hair. Calm down. You will have time to your doubts and weakness. Not as far as u want, but you will. So be stronger now for u own future.
- I don't want to be a queen, - I said and smile bloomed on my lips. - I just want to see how Empire will fall down by my hands. I want see it burning in fire. Nothing more. It's very cute that you want to help me , - Am I understand you right? - but I must say you - "No, thanks.". It isn't your war. It isn't your revenge. So don't try to disturb in it. I'm very pleasant to you for all what you have done for me but leave this question to me. It's my choice and my repay. And only my revenge, - Well, I'm too proud to accept your help, Thu, in this deal. Sorry. - What about others...Well, they are adult, - Heh, Talky already old hag, i think, - so they can choose their own future and way without mine or yours help, - Actually, I will not be upset if they will not survive. It's seams cruel? Well, maybe it is. But in fact, I can't call they "friends". Actually they all don't mean anything for me. They are just allies of moment. Nothing more. Funny; Poor Variola u already haven't someone who u can call "my friend". There are only enemies and borderline allies in your life. - Don't look at me as a sick child. I'm more stronger that it might seen. I will follow you whenever you go. I will be your shadow. I will be your right hand in all your deals. Just tell me what should i do, and i will do it. - There weren't any smile or laugh in my voice. I was absolutely honest with him. - You have save me, my life, my future. And i have a huge debt to you.
Tell me, Thu, were you expect it? Had you think about this? Could you even imagine that our meeting would result in this turn?
- So... Will you let me call you a Master, my savoiur?
It's my choice. Will see, have it been right...

Отредактировано Allenary (2014-04-01 10:35:02)



Sauron has listened with a certain patronizing gloss in fire eyes and become thoughtful. He didn't plan to respond to her speech about falling of Empire even if he can insist on his opinion telling what it will be very fine — burn everything, all this shit and dance on the ashes… Yes, He adores madness fire though He isn`t as “specialized” maia as Arien and same Valar because “the functionality is our all”.
— Nai… Let`s throw all in crazy fire, — he has whispered these words so silently so he wouldn't catch it. He can understand the word "falling" only as “destruction” having seen enough wholly on similar in his times, not good as those but great.
…and He was enraptured with her last phrase.
“So clever, so bright little woman with white hair. You make correctly thing. It was necessary only wait; as they say, I won't tell anything to anybody because they will come themselves and do all what I want”, — his eternal doubts had disappeared for one moment but unhealthy scepticism has took a place of short approval instantly. “I am your personal lucky break, Darn. You`re mine now and forever — as I said”.
— Now, you will call me only so.
He took Variola`s hand and wanted to teleport back, in Ëa — and His desire has being executed by a small effort of will. They can do here one more thing and her revenge will wait. Despite all available skills, she can learn the bigger wherefore, as we know, only Eru Ilúvatar can know all things in the world.

The unknown hitherto creation had replaced red-hair stranger Thû. Its appearance looks as space huge deep-black with some fiery spots spirit without exact features and similar to long broken-off tapes. Any spark of fëa grows dim and fades in calm near similar live powers; in fact, He has showed His true shape (but true doesn`t mean “initial”) having fatly hinted who He is: “I am the dark energy, the pure thought, the ephemeral no-matter what is one of part of space; I am the essence and sense”. Without mentally telling, certainly.
”Look around. We call all what you can see Ëa… It`s the greatest entertainment for me, the Little Kingdom for similar me, the Home for other. All creation that you can see is really just a tiny thing in comparison; Ëa is word for “universe” but there is Avakúma — we call It also the Outer, Eldest Dark… The Void.”
Did you see the space anytime? Did you see the blue-green planet, the Sun and Moon from space anytime? Did you see the scattering of far blue, white-blue, white, white-yellow, yellow, orange and red stars around that seems as close as you can concern and take anytime? Did you see the shining spots of blue-violet, swampy green, golden-black nebulas anytime?
He specified by illusive hand to dark-blue galactic halo and big black hole.
”Look attentively all time, my apprentice. The blue curve spot is not dangerous for you but black hole is one of the most dangerous things in Ëa. You never know with what you deal”, — the strong and deep voice has her thoughts.
The brown-ochre pillars of nebula are so close. If he wants he could change their form but decided not to spend forces: the life of mortal costs much in vacuum where only gods, only Ainur were live here and other fírimar don`t know about it all, don`t know what there is something except heavenly luminaries. Now, Variola is the first and as Sauron thinks she understood this moment. It is… a new level for mortal.
Other galaxies made by other Ainur are so close. They are so beautiful so Sauron wants to destroy all them and make new by His Motive, by New Ainulindalë — black and dark but hardly delightful, impossible and magnificent.

And it was the most delightful, impossible thing of all what mortal could behold in life; and Valinor, the Blessed Realm cannot be compared with that magnificence.

The Blue Planet is an open book to him. Its main color are blue and its shades — for oceans and seas, rivers and lakes; green color follows — it`s for continents; after there are white for clouds and ices, ochre-yellow for deserts and mountains, also they are dark-brown or pale-orange.
“If telling more narrowly, it`s, — he has led round space around by gesture of hand, — Arda Marred or Ilu is the world, including everything in the skies around it, for example, Vaiya, the Sun and the Moon, or the Enfolding Ocean. To tell the truth, cosmology of our world is… rather heavy for understanding, let`s say so”, — it was worth recognizing.
Without being late with Arda, the most graceful and poetical world of all existing, only having pointed to Arien`s and Tilion`s boats sliding on Ekkaia, around the world ainu took Variola`s hand and pulled to himself. The Blue Planet is coming nearer promptly and air is precisely burning, squeezing lungs but isn`t doing harm to maia and woman. This flame is perfectly and terrifying of all its gloss.

Sauron had replaced his shape again when left skies; he hadn’t change only fire eyes.
— And now you are in Middle-Earth or Endore — it`s the name used for the habitable parts of Arda after the final ruin of Beleriand, and is east across the Belegaer from Aman. It is north of the Hither Lands shown in the Ambarkanta and west of the East Sea… I know: all these names is empty phrases for you. You will see it all soon, Variola, and I will tell you something about our history. For example, about Morgoth`s, — an inaudible scratch of teeth, — Falling and Flooding of Beleriand.
It is cold — certainly not for one of ainur who doesn`t allow to freeze and go to Námo his mortal little woman with white hair. The Helcaracsë could be compared with Misty Mountains`, also called the Hithaeglir, North. The blizzard shouted heart-rendingly where the night stars were one light here, in Middle-Earth`s North but they are too dim for as lighting world as Arien does it. Her rays of light cannot reach here, through ice peaks and snow tops and it is unlikely what she wanted — that`s why maia hid behind grey heavy clouds.
To make out an image of fortress looming ahead isn`t possible through violence of blizzard but during movement against to storming ice winds its appears more and more accurately: it was fortress with not really big and not very little sizes and simply but majestic architecture which disappeared conveniently and left in the mountain. The numerous motionless stone gargoyles stared at the arrived couple — not that jewelry, not that something bigger but has hidden by impenetrable cover of darkness curling round this place. The Northern Fortress is his temporary shelter far from Mordor`s dirty-black land and Barad-Dûr and other which he doesn`t want to show to Variola now for his reasons. So, the four living beings know about this place at the moment and six had seen it. This story is short but boting and typical: Sauron had apprentice, human (fírima with magical powers is an extremely thing in Middle-Earth, so out of the ordinary, so impossible what all know about similar people but that youth became an exception by Dark Lord`s will) by mane Ghvataio which… let`s say so, he he was lost tragicly under very muddy circumstances but so he got one's just deserts. By the way, if you will make efforts you will find some his traces in the Northern Fortress and the most obvious of them is in his former room, in desk. For certain reasons which are covering in his second name they are shown especially well at night and now it is growing dark.
Maybe, Sauron will call it “Thauring” sometime. If He won`t destroy this place earlier.

The pale shadow of the valian magnificence has arosed before them from nowhere: it was the woman of a horrible, to elves` mind, look and uncertain age, and possessing not bad appearance, to Sauron`s mind, the blue veins clearly appeared on a neck and on a face, hidden, however, a long wave of black hair; the one thing what they couldn't hid were a terrible scars on her face and apparently on her body. However, it should be noted what Dark Lord didn't disdain to admire the creation of his hands. She was any grey and dim but far not tired out, hammered and frightened and knowing man would understand immediately what she endured at least one destruction; if idea of two maiar` comparison comes to mind to detached onlooker he would note what Thuringwethil seems a small insignificant asterisk near Sauron`s “black hole” attracted by force of nothing but it is necessary to tell what the maiden of the hidden shadow would dazzle without unprofitable background as scattering of semi-precious stones under sun beams. Under the slow, sedate and very sharp eyes she was confused and bit the dust. Thuringwethil is his maia, shadow, herald and servant, his interim deputy when lascivious Dark Lord will want to disappear quickly and return as quickly as it happened nothing. She is serious, responsible and infinitely devoted to Him one, and also in love meekly (even if it is not so a long time ago only Sauron knows the truth) with Annatar to madness. Is it ideally? Yes.
My Tar-Mairon, my Lord… Shakhbûrz … You have already returned… So suddenly… I… We, with Draugluin… We were waiting for Your return, they heard a silent but strong voice; Dark maia found this combination as ideal. Probably, a dumbfounded humility — it sounded clearly in her words — is cause. And, probably too, point is that she-rauco knows how to flatter to her Owner. He really loves when someone calls him a “Delightful King” and cannot make anything with this little weakness. At least, he doesn`t show it.
”Not now, Thuringwethil. Leave your airs and graces when telling with Me, don`t kowtow till I don`t say so — I hate it, you know. Talk to the hand or don`t waste My time and leave us alone, girl”.
“Can I do anything for you?” — maia has quailed near Him instantly and fixed dirty-grey as sky above Mordor gaze on a floor without deciding to look and without thinking about rising from knees.
“Sí man hanyáro ma autanuva?”
“Uquen hequa nino ar Draugluino”.
“You know what to do. Say to Maugûl what I want to hear him as soon as possible and to Draugluin what he will be some time my deputy in Barad-Dûr… Don`t tell anybody about her. And don`t touch dragons: I don`t want their premature death. Now that`s all”, — he touched her hair favorably and felt as her fëa has already stirred up. Such communication has occupied no more time than couple of seconds.
— You can go, — Thuringwethil, having darted an extremely jealous, the most jealous in the word, glance at Sauron`s  white-hair companion, disappeared to execute an assignment. — Saw? It was partly an exchange of thoughts, the Ósanwë how we say. And please: don`t ask me anything some time.
If she had known sometime what Dark Lord had allowed Variola hearing part of private conversation now…
After Sauron beckoned Variola having moved into the Northern Fortress. The silence between them became almost tangible as foggy air; judging by a look the Dark Lord has reflected really hard and now it`s better not to disturb him trying to pull out from this state in vain. He was thinking about what He cannot do anything global during The Black Ages… till. Annatar is as powerful as never before; His forces pulse instead of his blood and body, He is the live embodiment of ainur` powers. His mind direct to unprecedented and unprecedented earlier thoughts, He can make system which He will be able to operate. Generally he tried to break elves` volition. People, consider, are belong Him almost completely because of Rings of Power as dwarves but One Ring becomes dusty in Sauron`s thoughts. “One big surprise for all, my Precious”.
He curtailed on the left across dark corridor what was shined by bright flame of torches on the walls. How has fire to be unpleasant to her now?
The doors have opened without touching, silently and without scratch — and Variola could see her temporary room till he will check her personal norm of reaction, he need her or not, she is that successor or not because even the immortal spirit has vulnerability. It`s necessary to tell what it was really… finest for “temporary”. To tell the truth at his times Gorthaur could only dream about his personal space and something similar this. The dark room which true size was hidden by the twilight. Most likely, because of it isn't enough light in the Middle-Earth`s far North and lots of stars cannot replace sun beams even if they are more hotter than Sun near; also because of the heavy curtains has closed large window. There are a bed, wooden desk and other important things.
The impression of long desolation appeared for some reason and what this room belonged to someone male.
— Before I have to know what you need: water, dream, food, something other? Probably, you are hungry after our small travel, — Sauron don`t ask and don`t approve without changing a velvet tone. Typical requirements of engwar are not secret for him but… Unless is a little woman with long white hair here if she was ordinary and trivial? Ainu grinned to his thoughts. A woman-in-mask (very great moroc, girl) has intrigued Him so He cannot think about anything another except as face under silver similar fragile porcelain. He has obvious tendencies to deformation and the same perverted love to it but nevertheless he cannot afford to spoil his appearance because fucking elves are so thin esthetes.
Against the clock make of showing great promise Darn an ideal successor?* “It`s madness, you`re right”, — the common sense nodded. He preferred to ignore the first impression because he understood in what state she was… However it accepted it. Having seen wholly of local women, it couldn't constrain a mental grin —at first sight Variola is hardy: to get out of fire alone, to outlast, to run away — and to get nasty to Dark Lord fearlessly. Unless isn`t she a miracle?
If you want someone to be yours, you must give everything to him or make him slave, a thing.
“To your choice, Variola”.
— Oh, and take it, — a seven-pointed transparent stone star has laid down in her hand and brought as Fëanoro lamp, — it will be your light source… not only here.

*Я просто пытаюсь сказать «как можно быстрее сделать из подающей большие надежды Проклятой идеального преемника?»

Отредактировано Sauron (2014-04-03 13:22:12)



It was unexpected. I couldn't imagined something like that before. It was unreal. How could I imagine something that i have never seen before, could never understand? The endless dark wit a bright light of stars and magic sheen of Star dust clouds. Unbelievable. Strange and unordinary.
I listen Thu with great attention; He knew much more than I and I would be stupid to ignore his words. Well, he told me that, just because  he had some interesting in me; I already had some role in his play, and till I would be necessary to him he would protect me. Oh, actually not me, but his owns plans  with my participation.  And it was right. I would have done the same if the tables are turned.
Well, till I will be with him I should learn that i only can.
The Arda was... impressive. It wasn't looked like Harah.  Between Harah and Arda were rather more differences then between sun and moon. But it the same time, these two worlds were so alike. He told me names of the parts of his world. But he was right - they were only a sounds, empty figures of speech for me. I should have learn his world to understand and accept those names. I should became a part, one reasonable piece of Arda.
There was cold, but I wasn't an ordinary human any more. My Gift, Spark, warmed me rather better than the best fur. I wouldn't need a warm clothes even if I found myself at the highest mountain-top in the world.
Hah, all wizards couldn't be called humans. We are - pure power, elements, magic. We would be alive till our Sparks will be shining, ideally. But no really; we are connected with our bodies  and time don't mercy us - we died when our bodies became old and shabby.  But it very hard to kill magician any other way except naturally; our Gift protect us better  than something other.
We are our Gift. We are an elements, Dark or Fair, weak or strong, useful or useless.
At once a strong pain came out from a deep part of my soul; Dark and Fair Sparks became to argue again. Like a mad dogs they attacked each other, trying to absorb the enemy. Actually, they should united and convert to One, Gray, Spark, but it didn't happened. Dark and Fair Sparks didn't convert. Well, they started to fight with the aim destroy an opponent.
Inexpressible feeling.
With all my souls forces  I overwhelmed my refractory Gifts and didn't make any sounds; Variola shouldn't be weak in any part of life. Even if she fore on pieces by her own power.
When we came to the Thu's tenement, - Why I'm sure it isn't it in real? - we were met by  his... slave? servant? Never mind.  I looked to her without interest; too many faces i have accepted in my not so long live to agreed for one more, especially, if it haven't practical meaning for me. Thu said only a few words  and silence catch the space around us. I looked to him with a whist question in my eyes. And like an answer he let me heard a part of his mind speech.
Strange speech. Strange topic. Strange, but so familiar language.
-Nírë tulë i lumessë autielyo, - the traditional farewell elven phrase suddenly emerged from the memory. I said it very quietly, alone lips. Sounds of darn elven's language were pleasant to ears, but too hated. I learned it because my high status in Empire commit me to knew it.  And nobody was interesting in my opinion and do i want to learn it.
"How interesting. .. Different worlds, but very alike languages. Well, I don't think that I can understand all his speech, but some words - easily."
At that moment  I thought about to keep it in secret but with being late realized already let Thu know about my... understanding.
" Hah, a silly deed, Variola. Very silly. Are you tried so hard to done it?"
- Dragons? - a question came out without intention. I don't know why I interesting in it so much; it was expected that there would be difference creatures in our worlds.
But I heard something in this unknown  name - "dragons". Something powerful and strong, wild and alien.
Like I like.
" I don't know who are they, but already want to meet them."
He led me through the dark corridor with torches on the walls. For a moment, I hold out my hand to the fire and touched red fire's tongue. There wasn't pain just feeling of a warm. But next moment I shrank back from the torch and kept hands behind my back. 
Well played Hawk's Sister, well played.
Thu led me to the my room - If I infer right, - dark like all this place. First of all I looked room over in search of mirror. For my unfortunately, - or maybe for my luck? - there wasn't any mirrors in the room. My curiosity - I want to see what happened with my face, - couldn't be satisfy.
- So.. Is this the place what I will call "home" for the next years? - I turned out to Thu. - It will be nice if u organize something like a dinner, - I smiled, but my mask, - actually it was just illusion, guise, - didn't let Thu to see it.
I knew  one simple thing; He wants me. Not as woman, of course, but, I think, as a aide. And in my opinion there were only two ways to provide my allegiance; He can provide me everything that I want and I should accept all his gifts and attention. Or... he can make me slave of his mind. because he stronger and wiser than me.
"I think my choice is absolutely clear; nobody want to be a slave. And i'm not exception."
So I will accept everything what he will give me.
- Thank you, - I carefully picked up the gift. All questions what i want to ask him, i decided to leave with me. It would be better, if he decide to talk with me himself.
I Saw that he looked to my face with undisguised interest. Deciding that the mask would still have to remove, I raised my hand to my face, like pulling illusion. Moroc broken easily. I lifted my head and stood up so that would be my face was exactly opposite Thu's face.
- Am i creepy? - smile curved my lips.
I grinned and shrug, threw clothes on the floor, more like a bloody rags. Startled by feeling the wind on my skin, and proudly straightened.
It's all the same to him, right?

Отредактировано Allenary (2014-04-07 00:36:13)



"I approve your actions but I don`t approve your words. Wash your language, girl!” So, she has chosen the first option. A clever girl how he said grasped the meaning quickly that or she saves her relative freedom and has all that a greedy heart can want or she will become pathetic nothing but won't be turned into a dust and ashes, into oblivion; a clever girl has accepted His generosity. It was… quite expected that only madman and idiot can want to be a thing, a beautiful thing beside his Lord. It is necessary to tell that he didn't doubt at all that the woman will arrive somehow differently… though very unpleasant incidents were more than once related with all women`s obstinacy — they love to turn up their noses that someone convinced them and was kneeling, begging them.
— You are so beautiful, a little woman with white hair, — he approached inexcusably close and stroked skin of her cheek attentively looking in these bewitching, sparkling, mad eyes.
He forgot to admire Ainulindalë`s creations having preferred His own and Melkor`s dark generations, He forgot to see a beauty in the same elves for example, having learned to see it in that has to provoke disgust. Her pale skim — no doubts: she has an aristocratic origin and probably, she is able to give herself sometimes — having decorated by scars that all women consider it as ugliness in vain, her long silver-white hair, her eyes shine as spark and her live Spark spirit dement, isn`t it? That`s why Variola is so perfect in his eyes. Unless can stupid mortal dream about more ideal combination than this?
“They will call you Uquenávacenina, the Hidden Anybody, you won't show your nice face to anybody against my will while I won't wish that, my woman in a mask. They will hate you that you got up under my banners. They will be spat by poison in your party when will know everything that is hidden from their acute looks hitherto, but for now they will admire your mystery, your dementing mysteriousness and they will to speak in a whisper Tindafinniel as soon as will catch sight of you because they won't see your original beauty, they won`t be worthy to behold though one look as you are unusual for their light looks”, — Dark Lord didn't speak and in general stood with such look, no words sounded with captation in the head Darn.
If to ponder all the Walkers are hardly “specialized” maiar (hah, like Valar, it`s even ridiculous) but very, very weak and mortal to be named Ainur, “the Immortal Spirits”. Well, it is quite reparably — Sauron is going to do all for her eminence from nothing knowing about the world around and nothing able so that it is possible to approve, Walking to Dark Lord's majestic right hand — there is definitely more bigger potential than somebody from Harah can brag but certainly everything isn't so simple because if He will want to take the second apprentice sometime, most likely, Variola will be broken as weaker if doesn't manage to prove the return. Sauron wants to have it and means, He will take control. He wants to be the one who will see this beauty which so pleasant to his is spoiled look.
“I will torture your body for the slightest fault, I will make you my uncomplaining slave, my servant without will power, I will make you my callous thing despite your undoubted talents, I will break you if I consider that you are incorrect. I will present to you a mask from the lightest silver — and you will always wear it while I won't allow you to remove it. If you will disobey — and I an otter your spirit from your body, I will doom you to the most pathetic existence what can be only imagined now, I will leave you as an incorporeal shadow of former greatness, I will exhaust your mind. However I will allow remains of your Sparkling spirit to watch time current in My great mercy but you won't be able to do something except useless supervision and painful reflections, envy”.
He inspected the naked woman slowly, sedately and very acutely, being precisely broken off between desires not that to sigh and wearily to rub a nose bridge, not that untidily to use a situation. Don't do about what you will regret. Oh, really, will he regret? He has kissed her forehead and departed back. The clothes — where could he take it now? It was suddenly, but certainly woman needs clothes though, frankly speaking, Sauron would be not against that his apprentice has not a similar (and strange, especially with such body… stop here) requirement.
— Wait.
And he has evaporated.
Sauron returned later a short period with not empty-handed, certainly. He didn't want to drag on Himself something because it isn`t royally so he preferred to do banal magic:the full tray fell by a table smoothly with airs and graces of course.  The red semisweet wine of long-term endurance — since Melkor`s times! — with two glasses for it, the lack of fish, the goose fried with apples and still any trifle were found on closer examination, and there is tableware for one person.
However he didn't hurry to give Variola the brought dress of a silvery thread.
— Could I help you to put on before you will eat?



" Well, as I see, it doesn't important what i have choose. Anyway I'm his property...just with better conditions."
Not his worlds, - they was awaited, - but his voice was scaring. It was sounded like thunder and snake hissing in the same time. I turned a deaf ear his words and caught only main idea, what was hidden in his speech; "You are mine."
Well, what could I say?  It was expected. Really. It would be silly to await that people like him, - who called themself  " Eternal Evil" or "Black Lord", - can accept any relation except "Master-Slave".
"Hah, you are one of such people, Ahri, isn't you? Don't try to deny it."
Strange. I talked to myself and didn't see any problems with it. In other hand... Why not? To the long run, sometimes it's very pleasant to talk with somebody who understand u without his own thought.
Abyss! I started to think like a really crazy man. What's next? Dialogue with invisible opponent? Thanks no. I'm still reasonable enough to not do such things.
" You are already crazy, lass. You just don't want to accept it. You try to save ur past. It's wrong. Don't keep it. Let it go. You don't princess, part of circle, any more. Now you are darn, exile. Now yours name is Variola. And you are a very different beast."
- What? - I asked him, but he already left the room.
I was surprised.  No, I was shocked, by his actions. His lips was warm, very warm. It feels like fire touched me. Fire-kiss.
I was confused.  Why did he do it? It was very touchy... Like parent kiss his child. It made me remember my own childhood.  When my mother came to me in evening, kissed me and put me to sleep.
" I don't understand u, Thu."
I set down to the bed. What want he showed me? I didn't know. And I wasn't care about it.  Only the fact what have he done was important.
Well, I will ask him when he come back. I will.



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