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War is in the air

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лучший сюжет по мнению читателей
14/04/2014 - 20/04/2014

Though your blood runs through my veins
I have a hard time to play this game
You have seen me fall before
I still need you to let me go

Erik Lehnsherr
as Sherlock Holmes

Stiles Stilinski
as Jim Moriarty

Sherlock Holmes, the greatest mind of our century. Famous, incredible and surprisingly undead for somebody who's jumped off of a rooftop.
Oh, you can't be more alive than this man who's constantly bored out of his mind on his lonely little vacation, away from everybody he holds dear. But is it really that bad when there's somebody even closer to you to make your day a whole new adventure... or a living hell?

p.s. don't try to apply the laws of logic to this episode
don't hope there will be no mistakes 'cause there will be plenty
basically, viewers readers discretion is advised



There was nothing. Nothing interesting, nothing important, nothing at least useful a-t a-l-l. For over the days. Lots of days. Fucking days; really. There was even no John. N o t h i n g. Honestly, he didn't think that he would miss people. That he would feel such shortage them. But it was.
And now Sherlock had already obsessively thought that he was going mad.
He hated 'the fixed ideas'.
To say truth anyone loves his 'fixed ideas'. Usually they were accompanied with global disasters and local catastrophes. More often there were disasters for men who live with Sherlock. Less often - for other people. Who hasn't got any connections with it. I.e. with Sherlock.
Though, when did it care him?
Of little significance, an unimportant fact.

Sherlock didn't like this state, 'cause he couldn't collect his thoughts well, couldn't, devil, find some interesting...if not work - at least occupation for himself.
He hates the conditions, when he couldn't do smth.
He hates when he couldn't even discompose John sometimes. Hm... that was a pity.
...oh, of course, he didn't do anything - he just hm... makes some experiments.
How John could go away and... Khm. Ok. He was dying, he actually died. Has died by the moment. And John should be sure that he is died. He actually did - Watson is the worst actor in the world and of course shouldn't know about the truth and shouldn't visit him.
While Sherlock was really wonderful, excellent – an actor, a person. The greatest mind of the century - and hardly probable that smb can believe that he's alive. Only if just 'believe'.

A week. Devilish, fucking calm week.
It's too long for him.
Usually, too long for everyone - except normal and lucky people who didn't know him and lived quite far from here, of course. Although, if Sherlock was bored too long, at the end everyone was in the action. with him. with his ideas.
...And that was 'usually'. Not now. Not now a-t a-l-l. He can only suffer alone. Excellent, brilliant, perfect!...

He should do smth. He m u s t do smth before he will go mad. Not just 'seat'. Seat down. Like in a stupid kid's song. Or was it a verse? Doesn't matter. Don-t-ca-re.
And yeah. Of course. Of course, he doesn't hold that he is absolutely normal - not always, not often - not like a lot of people in their stupid deeds which called 'normal'. Or 'normal life'. Of course he isn't like them.
He wouldn't like to become mad, really.
That's too boring. Too normal, maybe.

How... everything was boring. Everything, everyone, ever... Everything - except Sherlock, although. He was bored.
And, maybe khm... some people was also sad about his death. It was at the same time - quite suddenly and very nice... And still boring.
He really couldn't understand how it was possible to be so calm, so serene. Not even... Really, how people could live so quite? Not even
or - he was so lucky with the house?
S t i l l  b o r i n g.

The room. The normal. standard. Room. Without anything that could be interesting. ...oh, of course it could be - at least a little... but he couldn't do everything that he wants and!...
Hm. Frankly, it was unusual state. But not lovely - at all.
He has already got accustomed to the possibility to do everything. Would you like go to a british government or maybe to visit a queen? Or, there is an interesting secret base at the end of Universe.
And he could everything. Although, not everyone was agree with it and Mycroft was usually angry - but that doesn't matter.
And now he couldn't.
Anything. At all. Only seats at the home and... and that's all. Reading, writing, thinking... that was quite nice but not for such long time.
Yeah, you can even choose - a narrow bed, a quite nice arm-chair or the floor. And there is no even window in variants.
And he can even explain the logic of all of this.
Still can remember the reasons 'why he should die'. Many, many, very good, logical causes that can help to sign in his genius. He thought it by himself a few days-maybe less than several week ago.
But all these facts can't explain a such tedium.



If one thought closely about it, it'd become clear soon enough that time, space and boredom were the most relative things in this world.
Time? Well, you couldn’t really explain why an hour was sixty minutes, and why a minute was sixty seconds even if you tried really hard. There’d always be the same old questions based on curiosity and doubts in the back of your head: why not sixty-two? Or forty-one? Or hundred and ten? Why did we generally need to divide our days into hours and minutes, our years into months and weeks? See, it was a tricky matter, after all, just as was big, mysterious and most definitely not-as-explored-as-we-preferred-to-think space.
How big it actually was? Why did we compare the space of rooms and building with space made of hydrogen and plenty of other elements, some of them familiar to human beings and some still remaining unknown? How could one comprehend the size and the number of stars, planets, constellations and variety of all the other things space had to offer? It was a confusing riddle of our time (and here’s that puzzling ‘time’ again!), relative just as any other confusing and mostly unsolvable enigma was.
And then there’s boredom. It was ridiculously easy to miss it and take it for a simple thing, but boredom was probably the most unsettling and relative thing of them all. If people were alike and raised on the same planet, some of them in the same county and the same society, why didn’t they all feel bored in the similar situations with a similar circumstances? One felt joyful and entertained among their friends while the other was bored beyond their limits, some searched for parties and neon of the night life to silence the voices of tedium in their heads, but some felt content with just a book in their hands or good music to listen to. A pure example of diversity, of something people could not define for sure and yet they did.

Jim Moriarty would probably make a good ‘relative thing’, the fourth and the most impressive thing on this small list. Not that it was right or any logical to describe a human being as a thing, but the point’s that according to Sherlock, he wasn’t a man at all. A spider at the centre of a web, a voice on the phone, a text on the screen, a constant danger for everything alive around him. A psycho, if you will, who shot himself dead on the Bart’s rooftop. The person who was supposed to be dead.
Luckily, one didn’t simply die when connected to the great detective in a funny hat, Mr.Curly aka Sherlock Holmes, one way or another. No matter how twisted and broken the genius was, especially now as his home and oh so precious friends were left behind, his flawed Mind Palace was a real gift for the one who was always bored of staying alive. Wasn’t it just… staying?
‘Oh, Sherlock, I’m flattered,’ Jim murmured in a painfully familiar way, his thick Irish accent making him sound both flirty and dangerous while he walked around the room, the exact same room Sherlock was living in for quite some time now, slipping down to sit on the armrest of his cosy little armchair. ‘Keep your friends close and your enemy closer, huh? I’m surprised, though, it’s not your precious Johnny-boy you’re searching for in this lovely place. Why am I stored in your Mind Palace, anyway?’
He wasn’t delusional about the whole thing, oh no. Jim knew perfectly well he wasn’t quite himself in here, he felt like he had a consciousness of his own, his own thoughts and words, it all felt like his usual self, but was it really him, or did detective imagine him this way just to keep himself entertained? It didn’t really matter much, after all, Jim thought to himself as a wide grin stretched his lips and he gave Sherlock a curious look that screamed of nothing good.
‘What’s even more important is that if I’m here, does it mean I can go out of this imaginary and excessively boring room to look around and see what I can find?’ chuckling darkly, he fixed his never-changing dark-blue Westwood suit and gave the consulting detective a look of his dim terrifying eyes, saying so much more that words ever could. What can I find in here to destroy you, Sherlock? That’s what that look was all about.



You know, there are some people who cannot seat in the silence? They need a lot of actions, movements. And also they can keep calm; only it they have some very important reasons which look quite impossible.
Moreover, such people also cannot do anything if they 'should'. That's some point of their mind when you hear an interesting word 'must' and understand that you won't do anything.
And very, very rarely the world can decide to joke. You know, it's fond of a joke btw. And when it is - you should do or not to do and there are no other way. You know? A t  a l l.
Even some great and brilliant minds cannot find them.
And that begins the great show. Some stupid show, actually.
by the way, more often - for no one, except life.

& also it will seem some kind of torture for them. For him. For Sherlock.

It's funny if remember that he had never loved 'torture'. Anyone doesn’t love 'torture' in attitude to himself, but Sherlock really hadn't used that, although he could;
It can be interesting just like a psychological portrait of offender; cannot - like type of punishment/execution and quite old for nowadays. And moreover of course he didn't love it for himself. Who would?

A lot of people would tell that boredom cannot seem very awful; but it was. But there still was some ways for;

Everyone has a 'skeleton in his safe'. It can be wardrobe, bookcase - even cupboard, everything that you want, perhaps.
By the way, Sherlock also has got that. There was the only one thing which wasn't so boring in this world.
It was just awful.
Terrible, insufferable. Yes, unsufferable - is the most suitable world.
It also called Moriarty. Jim Moriarty. And Sherlock, even the greatest Sherlock Holmes didn't know why it could be happened. He proposed that he had wanted to unravel one of the mysteries of one - ok, for himself he can said that - of the one greatest offender. & instead he found the new one.
That even was quite fine. For a few first minute before a moment when Jim began talking with him... about life. About himself. About everything except 'what I would like to do and how, and where you can catch me'. Seriously, it would be enough for Holmes. Just. This. Few. Things. Or nothing.
One good thing - that wasn't persistent noise or voices in his head - just sometimes, for a short time. But it always appears sooner or later. And that already wasn't fine.
There were a lot of bad things, actually. His voices, his jokes, his... temper, which - Sherlock couldn't understand why but - was bad and looks very much real Jim. In general it looks like a stupid - bori... ok, not boring, but not funny at all - joke of his mind.
...and he won't never admit that in general he loved these talks.
However, he still hadn't loved things which he couldn't explain. For himself - first of all.

And he still couldn't understand well how he find himself there; only to suppose and to have a few variants which he wasn't sure.
Usually that seems like ordinary room; maybe that even was it.
Usually he was here absolutely alone.
Sherlock mechanically made a wry face and closed his eyes for a few instants, but - oh, of course - Moriarty still was there. And he was talking something. And he didn't catch when he started listen him. His strange-inexplicable illusion. Perfectly.
By the way, he wasn't flattered too. Maybe he should be - the greatest criminal in his mind who talks with him and... or maybe he should ask to help by some psychiatrist.
But he had never done anything that he should - just on principle. That's boring.

Frankly speaking, right now Sherlock was too thoughtful. He was breaking between two facts.
- first: Jim's voice was annoyed. Too annoyed. And not only voice.
- second: He (Sherlock) was still bored.

'We both can imagine that there is no any Moriarty there. can we?' ironically invited to imagine Sherlock and ruged temples.
Oh, of course they could. And of course they wouldn't, because that's... just 'cause.
& He still doesn't like such things.
'I don't know' told he, quite sincerely. Just because that's his mind and that is still not any useful information which Jim couldn't understand. He is not an idiot and Sherlock still hasn't known if it's good or bad. He has got a lot of arguments for any of these two variants.

'And I don't think so. I suppose, we can speak only in this room. That will be quite logically, because...' Sherlock was drumming his fingers on the elbow-rest and suddenly gave a jump. He run up to the door - too ordinary, insignificant - opening it.
There is just nothing. Of course, he is right.
'You see?' phlegmatically shrugged his shoulders and went back to the arm-chair. Logically. At least - this thing.
Another can drive his mad, maybe.
The fact that Jim hadn't asked him for any proof, actually - doesn't care him. No wonder why but he has a person is talking to;
and he would like to use this chance.
you know, that's really nice, after so-long-time.
Maybe he could make a second John...
khm. or maybe not.
As a matter of fact, he was surprised that there is no place with John here. Or, he still hadn't open it? Hm.

Sherlock was drumming again and thinking.
'Or maybe there is nothing 'cause it's my mind and there is should be everything like I want it.'
...although it comes into conflict with your appearance here.

One-two-three; and a man stood up again, habitually walking around all this room - rather like his own - like usually.
and 'not like usually' was sensation that smb else here.
'Did you believe in my death?' - suddenly asked Sherlock, still thinking. Frankly speaking he didn't really interesting about that. He just wanted to know how... How old version of Moriarty he has god. Or, maybe he can change like Sherlock's own thoughts? Or..
And of course, his Moriarty would believe in Sherlock's death.
Any Moriarty, actually. 'cause he was perfect.

Отредактировано Erik Lehnsherr (2014-07-22 00:30:52)



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